Illustration of colorful books on a shelf against a dark background.
Photo courtesy of Olu Omoyele
Photo courtesy of Olu Omoyele

Table of Contents

The basics

What made you become a content creator?

Olu Omoyele of DeFi Planet: We noticed a huge gap in knowledge within the fast-growing Web3 and blockchain space. This gap has caused some serious misunderstandings, giving blockchain technology — an otherwise amazing innovation — a bad reputation in some quarters.  Without proper education, especially about the crypto markets, people have faced massive financial losses, which risks undermining the technology’s potential to solve big problems like financial inclusion, transparency, privacy, and easier access to services.

What are some of the challenges you face as a content creator?

Olu Omoyele: In recent times, it’s getting harder and harder to grow organically, especially for those of us who mostly create text-based content. The playing field isn’t exactly level — search algorithms tend to favor those who spend big on promotions and have the budget to produce high-quality complementary multimedia content. It can also be frustrating to see "blackhat" techniques overshadow genuine content. Add to that the issues of censorship, low compensation, and a lack of funding, and you’ve got a pretty tough environment for new content creators to succeed. However, Google's recent changes are encouraging as they seek to reward those who create original value-adding content. This is where we excel at DeFi Planet. We pride ourselves on creating easy-to-understand content on complex technological concepts and projects in the Web3 space, as well as keeping our readers up-to-date on news and other developments in the space.

What are some digital publications that you follow?

Olu Omoyele: We keep up with some of the most respected names in the industry, like CoinDesk, Cointelegraph, The Block, Decrypt, and CoinBureau.

Pros and cons

What do you like most about creating digital content?

Olu Omoyele: What we love about creating content is the opportunity to help people all over the world, thanks to the power of the internet.The world is a global village now, and timely access to high-quality information is key. By creating content that’s valuable and helpful, we’re solving problems for people every day, regardless of their location, profession, race, gender, or where they’re from.

What do you dislike most about creating digital content?

Olu Omoyele: It can be disappointing when we put out good content that doesn’t reach the intended audience — or worse, doesn’t reach many people at all. The way search and social algorithms work can make it tough for new or emerging creators to get noticed, and it often takes a lot of time, effort, and resources to get the kind of audience that can really appreciate and support the work we’re doing.

What inspires you to keep writing?

Olu Omoyele: What keeps us going is a deep passion for solving problems and helping people. We always aim to provide simple answers to complex questions about Web3, guiding others to make the most of these innovative technologies and enjoy all the benefits they offer. Blockchain technology is a ground-breaking innovation that has implications not just for finance, but for coordinating large-scale human interaction, for example, via decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs).

What are the top 3 tips you can give to others wanting to develop successful digital publications?

Olu Omoyele:

1. Be authentic, passionate, and consistent about your goal to help people solve problems through your content.

2. Stick to high standards of content integrity—always aim to match or exceed what mainstream creators are doing.

3. Stay on top of the ever-changing digital content landscape to make sure your efforts really pay off.

Looking ahead

Where do you see your publication in 5 years?

Olu Omoyele: I see us as one of the top 10 Web3 publications globally, making a real impact in the mainstream, being trusted for our insight and respected for our quality.

What has been your proudest achievement as a content creator?

Olu Omoyele: We're really proud of the partnerships we’ve formed with well-known blockchain projects, like Gora, where we’ve been able to contribute as a media partner.  We are also proud of our ongoing partnership with Money2020.

Choosing syndication

Why did you decide to syndicate your content with Newstex?

Olu Omoyele: Newstex shares our passion for delivering valuable content to those who need it most, so partnering with them felt like a natural fit.

What do you think are the benefits of syndicating your content through Newstex?

Olu Omoyele: It’s a fantastic opportunity to get DeFi Planet’s content in front of the right audience — people/entities who will really benefit from it — while also earning fair compensation.

Olu Omoyele is the founder and CEO of DeFi Planet.  He has 20 years of public and private sector experience in financial regulatory policy and banking risk management (ex-Director at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, and a former regulator at the Bank of England). He has a postgraduate degree in financial law from King’s College London; and a certificate in ‘Blockchain Technologies: Business Innovation and Application’ from MIT Sloan. Olu is excited by the promise of Web3 technologies for empowering humanity towards decentralized governance and operational efficiency and heralding an era of trustless human interaction. He believes that access to timely, accurate, and easy-to-digest content is critical to widespread adoption of Web3 technologies.