Newstex Blog

ACI Information Group and ORCID announce a partnership in which scholarly blogs included in the ACI Scholarly Blog Index can be integrated with ORCID public profiles. In addition, through linked data, the journal and book content published by ORCID authors will be integrated into the author profile page in ACI Scholarly Blog Index.

On Wednesday, July 13, the United States Senate confirmed the appointment of Dr. Carla D. Hayden as the 14th Librarian of Congress. Dr. Hayden is both the first woman and the first African-American to be appointed to the position.

Scholarly blogs are a valuable source of contemporary information to continue lifelong learning, so the ACI team was excited to read Pew's newest report, "Lifelong Learning and Technology". Here we review some interesting findings from Pew's report.

In a F1000 Research editorial called 'Single Figure Publications: Towards a novel alternative format for scholarly communication', Long Do & William Mobley of the UC San Diego Department of Neuroscience present a new idea: single figure publications.

The ACI Scholarly Blog Index offers many different platforms for blog authors to reach out, connect to, & engage with those actively interested in their content, giving researchers the chance to follow their other avenues of content and scholarship.

Information Today, Inc. (ITI) published an article on the ACI Scholarly Blog Index in NewsBreaks, which highlights breaking news and important developments in the information industry and library world.

Chances are, yes - it probably is! It's easy to find research and scholarship by your own colleagues, students, and alumni. Just visit the ACI Scholarly Blog Index and browse posts by those affiliated with your own institution by following three simple steps.1. Visit You'll find the primary search box right on the homepage.2. Start typing in the name of your university, college, or institution.

In ACI Roundup: The Use of Social Media and Blogs in Education, we noted various examples of educators using social media and blogs to enhance students’ learning experiences and promote a better understanding of the real-world effects of online reach and collaboration.

As noted in Blogs and Social Media Play Important Roles in Helping Scientists Engage the Public, a recent Pew Internet Research study showed that more scientists are using blogs and social media to communicate with the public than ever before.

As a creative outlet, discourse catalyst, and distribution outlet to reach new and expanded audiences, scholars have been reaping the benefits of blogging for years.

Gigaom was founded in 2006 by Om Malik and grew to be one of the leading blogs in the world. With 6.4 million readers per month, you'd think Gigaom was a success story that would go down in history, but things change quickly in the world of online publishing.

Scholarly publishers already know that digital publishing and social media have changed scholarly research workflows and affected the impact of research. Scholarly presses also recognize that technology has caused a sea change in the scholarly publishing industry.