How can AI help writers hone their craft?

A surreal image of a hand in front of colored squares

Generative AI can be an invaluable tool for writers that can help at every stage of the creative process.

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Earlier this year, I wrote a post about the best AI tools for bloggers, from jack-of-all-trades AIs like Microsoft Copilot and Google’s Gemini to more writerly choices like Sudowrite. But a lot of writers are reluctant to use these AI writing assistants, and it can be hard for them to fully appreciate how helpful generative AI for writers can be. Indeed, many writers may be under the misapprehension that AI is a crutch or a cheat code. But as we’ll see, nothing could be farther from the truth. In this post, we’ll look at how AI tools can help writers at every stage of the writing process.

How can AI help me write?

A lot of writers struggle to see why they should consider adding AI to their toolkit. They understand how image generators can help them out. We all know that visual elements are a great way to make content pop, and that can be hard to pull off without serious artistic chops. AI tools such as Midjourney or DALL-E allow even the worst artists among us to enhance their material with engaging visuals.

But the use case for writing can be harder to see. If you’ve taken the plunge and started a blog, chances are you’re already comfortable with writing. But that doesn’t mean AI can’t help you out. Technology has been helping writers write for years. Few of us still write things out by hand using pen and paper; instead, most of us compose our work on computers since they make every aspect of the writing process far easier (I doubt many of us are pining for the days when a single mistake meant crumpling up the page and starting over!).

The reality is that AI can help at all stages of the writing process, from coming up with ideas to polishing prose. This post will focus on a fictional content creator named Marcella who uses her  blog about architecture and design to build her personal brand

Brainstorming with AI

The vast expanse of a blank page can be a terrifying sight for writers. Even if ideas are buzzing around in your head like hornets, wrangling them into a coherent whole isn’t always easy. The change of seasons has Marcella thinking about Fall-related content. She’s a huge Gilmore Girls fan, so she knows many people take nostalgia-filled trips to Stars Hollow as the leaves start to change colors. So she opens up her favorite AI writing tool and asks it to come up with some Gilmore-themed ideas. 

The resulting list includes topics like “Emily Gilmore’s Mansion: European Elegance on a Friday Night,” “The Dragonfly Inn: Rustic Chic for Weary Travelers,” and “Luke’s Apartment: The Minimalist Manifesto.” After generating several different lists, Marcella ultimately decides to write about the interior design of the Gilmore Mansion.

Outlining made easy

Coming up with an idea is just the start of the process. Marcella is a planner rather than a pantser, and she always likes to have an outline in place before she starts pounding the keyboard. 

Marcella asks the AI to outline a post on the topic of the Gilmore Mansion. She has to make several attempts, but that’s okay. Marcella isn’t looking for a rigid framework that has to be followed at all costs. Rather, she’s looking for inspiration.  

Marcella needs to be careful, though–AI can lead her astray. Some of the outlines she is given contain some dubious suggestions. At one point, the AI proposes an entire section on the conservatory with its glass ceiling and hidden door even though no such room was ever featured on Gilmore Girls. Eventually, Marcella comes up with a decent outline that’s all about helping her readers incorporate the timeless elegance of the Gilmore Mansion within their own spaces.  

Researching efficiently

Because the Gilmore Mansion was a television set rather than a real home, the furnishings are often a hodgepodge of different styles, and the design of the mansion changed over the course of the show’s run. 

Marcella knows that Emily Gilmore’s style is rooted in period decor which lends her home an opulent, timeless look even if the set designers weren’t using antique pieces. But this means Marcella will have to discuss a range of styles if she’s going to help her readers capture the vibes of the Gilmore Mansion.

Ultimately, Marcella decides to focus her discussion on three popular styles: Louis XVI, Chippendale, and Queen Anne. But because she’s more familiar with modern styles, Marcella needs to familiarize herself with these types of period decor. For example, when she asks AI to “tell me about Chippendale furniture,” she learns that it was influenced by other styles including Gothic, Chinese, and Neoclassical. Marcella also learns that Chippendale pieces often have cabriole legs and lion’s paw feet. 

Not only does this help her explain the style to her readers, but it also gives her an idea for a future blog post about the incorporation of Chinese motifs in European furniture. Of course, Marcella realizes that she shouldn’t take what the AI says at face value, so she’s careful to double-check its claims. 

Polishing your prose with AI

Armed with her trusty outline, Marcella writes the initial draft of her post. As she reviews it, she sees room for improvement. It seems to drag in places, and it doesn’t always fit the conversational tone Marcella likes to use on her blog. She’s also used words like ‘style’ and ‘elegant’ quite a lot. 

Luckily for Marcella, AI can help with all of those things. All she has to do is tell it what she’s looking for, whether that’s making a passage more succinct or incorporating more varied vocabulary. The AI’s suggestions aren’t perfect, but they do help her refine the piece.

Repurposing content using AI

As an experienced content creator, Marcella knows that she shouldn’t post to her blog and call it a day. Her audience isn’t a monolith. Some prefer long-form content, while others enjoy bite-sized snippets. 

Repurposing content like this can be a real chore for Marcella, but AI can make the job much easier. She can ask it to summarize her piece or generate social media posts from it. She could even turn it into an entirely new format like a podcast. In the end, AI gives Marcella several ways to reuse her content, allowing her to extract the most value from all her hard work. 

Remember to incorporate the human element

While AI can be a powerful tool in your arsenal, it’s not a shortcut to success. Whenever Marcella asks it for help, she must carefully consider the results. AI is not infallible, and it can (and will) make mistakes. The news is filled with cases of people using AI without proper oversight. Always remember that you are responsible for everything you post, even if you’ve made it in conjunction with AI.

AI can be a writer’s best friend

Even if you’re an experienced writer, it can be challenging to create content day in and day out. From coming up with ideas to polishing your prose, writing is a laborious undertaking. Thankfully, AI tools can help you at every stage of the process, whether you’re looking for ideas to fill a blank page or trying to make your content hustle by repurposing it. But however AI helps you, you should always remember to keep a careful eye on its output to avoid making headlines for all the wrong reasons.

Illustration of colorful books on a shelf against a dark background.