Global Digital News Trends in 2014

Reuters Institute of Digital News and Reporting released its Global Digital News Report 2014 (based on a survey conducted by YouGov) and a number of interesting trends are revealed that show just how much the news industry has changed in a few short years.

Reuters digital news report 2014

Reuters Institute of Digital News and Reporting released its Global Digital News Report 2014 (based on a survey conducted by YouGov) and a number of interesting trends are revealed that show just how much the news industry has changed in a few short years.

Computer, Mobile, or Tablet?

According to the report, 37% of consumers access news from a smartphone each week, and 20% access news from a tablet each week. Consumers from 10 countries participated in the study: the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Denmark, Finland, Spain, Italy, Brazil, and Japan. The main source of digital news for consumers in each of these countries is shown in the chart below.

Main Source of Digital News for Consumers Who Use Devices to Access News


Source: Reuters Institute Digital News Report

Paying for News

The study also found that smartphones encourage people to use fewer news sources. However, only 11% of survey respondents around the world had paid for online news in the past year. Furthermore, the vast majority of digital news consumers are not prepared to pay to access online news in the future as the chart below shows:

% of Respondents Who Have Not Paid for Online Content in the Last Year Who Are Prepared to Pay for Online News in the Future

reuters digital news report 2014 social networks chart
Social Media for News Content Reuters institute Digital News Report 2014, Tracking the future of news Source: Reuters Institute Digital News ReportAccording to the study, Twitter is commonly used to get news content in Spain (21%), the U.K. (12%), and the U.S. (8%). However, Twitter is least used in Finland (6%) and Germany (3%). In both countries, Google+ is twice as popular for getting news content. On the other hand, YouTube is commonly used for news access in Italy (23%), France (16%), and the U.S. (17%), but YouTube is far less frequently used to get news in the U.K. (6%) and Denmark (5%). The chart below offers a global look at the top social networks for news:Source: Reuters Institute Digital News ReportLessons for Authoritative Content PublishersAccording to the study results, some countries are far more likely to share news content than others. The chart below shows that Brazilians are much more likely to share news content than consumers in any other country included in the study:Nic NewmanTop Sharing Nations – % Sharing via Email or Social Network WeeklyAll charts are provided through a Creative Commons 3.0 license from Reuters Institute Digital News Report.USUKGERFRDENFINSPITBRAJAPVery or Somewhat Likely11%7%15%10%11%11%21%23%61%8%When asked how they find news today, results were spread across direct access to a brand's content, search, social media, and email. The chart below shows how consumers in each of the participating countries accessed news stories in the week before the survey was conducted:Country% sharingBrazil54%Italy44%Spain40%US35%Finland24%Denmark23%France21%UK16%Source: Reuters Institute Digital News ReportNews FormatsSource: Reuters Institute Digital News ReportSource: Reuters Institute Digital News ReportTop Gateways to News – % Finding by Brand, Search, Social Network, and Email from Finding News ContentTop Social Networks and Top Networks for News – All CountriesSharing NewsUSUKGERFRADENFINSPITBRAJAPLists/stories72%68%69%71%58%80%73%84%81%85%Video/audio34%18%21%18%22%23%33%31%32%11%Live pages9%8%6%8%7%7%12%15%18%12%Pictures/graphics24%15%25%19%8%23%23%20%32%25%USUKGERFRADENFINSPITBRAJAPBrand33%45%27%22%46%57%46%39%46%20%Search40%29%42%40%15%26%35%59%59%41%Social28%17%15%14%16%24%38%34%46%12%Email27%9%12%24%16%11%12%12%22%18%The information provided in this report from Reuters Institute of Digital News can help Authoritative Content publishers better understand what kind of content readers around the world want to consume as well as when and how they want to consume it. Key trends related to mobile and social should play an important role in your strategic content planning.You can download the full report using the link to the Reuters Institute of Digital News website at the beginning of this article. Key highlights from the study are provided in the video below.Formats of News Consumed Weekly by CountryCharts and data are also provided in the SlideShare presentation below.When it comes to the formats of news that consumers around the world prefer, lists and stories rank in first place in all countries where the survey was conducted. You can see the breakdown in the chart below:
Illustration of colorful books on a shelf against a dark background.